pip review 2022 pride in pill newport voluntary community mbe group

PiP Review 2022 – Taking a look at the highs and lows of last year

PiP Review 2022

The year we lost Her Majesty, a cost of living crisis hits, and we see families struggling to pay to heat their homes and feed their families, and yet our community still supports PIP so generously. We are a resilient city with lots of good people doing good things.

In January, we set clear goals and plans for the year, hoping that we could fulfil our agenda for the first time since the global pandemic hit and I’m pleased to say we smashed it!

Firstly, we promised to complete 100 litter picks across Newport focusing on Pill and The Riverbank. We exceeded our goal with the exceptional clean-up at Liberty Steel working in collaboration with KWT and NRW . Along with our old Sainsburys site clear ups. This took dedication and hard work by our PIP river bank co-ordinator, Steve Preddy. Great work!

We continue to work with Urban Circle at the Reggie and Riddim Festival at Tredegar Park and, of course, the long awaited return of Pill Carnival, which saw community spirit by the bucket load !! We also marshalled at the Newport Half 2022. We gave educational talks to school children and community groups and organisations and even got on the telly!!

Our homeless project is now in it’s fourth year. Volunteers continue to go out every Sunday to support some of our city’s most vulnerable handing out food bags, warm dry clothes and bedding along with sign posting to agencies that can give appropriate support. Our volunteers are dedicated and passionate and have gained trust and respect. The gratitude they receive is heart warming.

We were recognised by NCC for our litter picking and were invited to The Civic Centre .
This year also saw the return of our community coach trip to Winter Wonderland and PiP Christmas party.

pip review 2022 calendar pride in pill newport

How we ended the year 2022

To end the year our annual Toy Appeal topped our bill with a phenomenal response. We were astounded and to see the children’s faces was priceless and for this we give our whole hearted thanks.
Of course without our PiP volunteers, none of this would be possible, and Paul and I cannot express our thanks for your passion, dedication and willingness to fulfil PIPs vision. Your big-heartedness does not go unnoticed ❤️. We are blessed that you show such dedication, determination, passion and love for our city the people who live in it and for PIP.

Let’s do the figures

Meal tickets 1.965
Food parcels 2.590
Elderly food parcels 1.250
New toys. 2.000
New tents 60
Sleeping bags. 60
Clean up events. 80
River cleanup 20
Over 7.580 bags of rubbish.

Now the Thankyous ???? to our amazing local businesses who support our meal voucher scheme every week .
Le Pub
Bake House
Mixin Bites
Loopy Lou’s Pit Stop
Square Pizza
Chip Central
The Burger House
Pizza Bella
New Best Kebab
The New Lahore.

Not forgetting the local stores for the end of day food ????
Sainsburys Kingsway Centre.
Greggs, Commercial Street, High Street, and Usk Way.

Our Annual Christmas Toy Appeal

Thank you to the local businesses who became a collection point for our Christmas Toy Appeal 2022 and to those who generously donated.
IQE Newport
Coleg Gwent, Newport Campus
Redlands Resident Home, Chepstow Road
Nationwide Newport,Cwmbran,Abergavenny, and Pontypool branches.
Monmouthshire Building Society
Toy Box Project
Pill Millennium Centre
Castle Bingo
Zero waste
Xclusive Jewellers
Lloyds Banking Group
Lou’s Bows
Jo Shipping
A & S formworks
Wish Hair Design
Newport Transport
Just Love Food

Which allowed us to deliver nearly 2,000 Christmas gifts to the Children’s hospitals is South East Wales and Women’s Refuges.

Ty hafan
University Hospital of Wales
Noah’s Ark, Cardiff
Haemophilia Cardiff
The Grange
Bristol Children Hospital

We must also send thanks to

A F Forester
Arnold Clark
Provincial Grand Lodge
For your continued support ❤️

Lastly, we must thank our community. The impact you have on PiP is staggering, and we honestly can not thank you enough.
As we approach a New Year, we wish you all happiness, health, and good cheer.

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