newport city council stops pride in pill clean up operations

Newport Council Forces Pride In Pill to Suspend Cleanup Work in the City

It is of the utmost regret that Pride In Pill MBE has to suspend all clean up operations until further notice, due to interference and opposition from Newport City Council. After a decade of our hard work, where not a single volunteer or person has been harmed in any way whatsoever, the council are now citing “health & safety issues”.

Ever since 2014, we’ve carried out well over a thousand litter picks and clean up operations throughout South Wales, mostly in Newport. We do this from the side streets of Pillgwenly to the Usk’s riverbanks. So that all communities can benefit and have pride in our beloved city, we have also cleaned up after festivals, marathon runs and other local community events, clearing thousands of tonnes of rubbish in the process.

It is absurd that our award winning community group are being forced to cease cleaning up our city, by our city’s council decision makers. We have been awarded an MBE by Her Majesty The Queen for keeping Pill and Newport tidy for crying out loud! We will fight tooth and nail to rectify this unfortunate situation and hopefully be able to keep our city clean once again.

Can you please help us fight this awful decision?

I am looking for support from as many residents, businesses and visitors of Newport as possible. If you can help with any ideas or suggestions on how to successfully fight and win against Newport City Council, then please email us at All suggestions and messages of moral support will be read and gratefully received personally by myself and key Pride In Pill members. We thank you all very much in advance under this regretful situation imposed on us for no good reason at all.

We shall of course continue with our food runs helping the homeless. Let us hope that they don’t try to stop us from feeding people as well!

Best wishes,

Paul Murphy
Pride In Pill MBE.

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